Is the tutoring service free?

Yes! Our services are completely free to all students.

Can we hold our tutoring sessions in person?

Unfortunately, we do not offer in-person tutoring sessions. All sessions are conducted virtually over Google Meets.

What are study plans?

Study plans are written by our tutors and contain the material that they plan to cover over the next five to ten tutoring sessions. These are living documents, meaning that as sessions go on, tutors will adapt the study plans to best address the strengths and weaknesses of the student. These documents can also contain plans for studying in classes, if applicable.

How quickly can I get started with tutoring?

We respond to all new sign ups through our website within one week. Our first contact will be to ask a couple more questions in order to find the perfect tutor for you. Once you are assigned a tutor, we will schedule a parent-student-tutor orientation meeting and then you can get started.

How can I join the Study City Inc. team?

We are always looking for motivated high school students to assist with tutoring. If you are interested, you can sign up at https://www.study-city.com/join-our-team. We will contact you within one week with more details.